Hugh Marr - High performance coaching

Supported by Mag. Marie Jeffery and Davide Mori Golfing Alchemists

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I am passionate about growing the game of golf, through the education and development of great coaches. I firmly believe that the coaching community is the single most important stakeholder in our wonderful sport. We introduce people to the game, we provide a safe. fun and social environment for all golfers and through our knowledge and advice we help golfers learn and grow within the sport.

To be truly effective as coaches we must develop our skills with the above in mind. All of the courses I run are designed to up-skill coaches to deliver on their responsibility to the game, to create a high functioning community of like minded people all passionate about improving themselves and the game and to cheerlead the role of great coaching as central to the health of our fantastic game. 

The education opportunities are built with both the coach and the game in mind. No more pointless qualifications that don't fundamentally better your coaching. The emphasis is always on expert speakers with pedigree, delivering skills and understanding that will better your coaching now.

Mag. Marie Jeffery and Davide Mori Coaching Mastery Programm attendes will assist Hugh and help to offer a better practical inputs.  

The two day seminar including lunch and refreshments costs regular €890

€790 for PGA of Austria and CPG Members.

€690 for PGA of Austria Trainees. 

Registration will be confirmed after succesful payment, the invoice should be payed latest 4 weeks before the event. Cancellation fee within 28 days before the event 50%, within 7 days 75%.

Datum & Uhrzeit
Montag Dezember 09, 2024
Start - 09:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Dienstag Dezember 10, 2024
Ende - 17:00 (Europe/Vienna)

Austrian Golfmarketing GmbH

Fontana Allee 4
2522 Oberwaltersdorf

Austrian Golfmarketing GmbH

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