Smart2move Level 1 & 2


Discover and understand how Biomechanics & Ground Reaction Forces measurement will help you to maximize athlete’s performance. With fundamental basics of applied Biomechanics and S2M Dual Force Plates, you will quickly learn the essential skills to understand how force creates motion and his effects on the golf swing motion: stability, power, efficiency and prevention of risk. Discover and understand how Biomechanics & Ground Reaction Forces measurement will help you to maximize athlete’s performance. With fundamental basics of applied Biomechanics and S2M Dual Force Plates, you will quickly learn the essential skills to understand how force creates motion and his effects on the golf swing motion: stability, power, efficiency and prevention of risk of injuries.

Package Day 1 Level 1 & Day 2 Level 2


Level 1 Certification will introduce basics concept of Ground Reaction force and how to optimize a golf swing using 3D Dual force plates.


The goal of the Level 2 certification is to enhance the education related to the GRF and torque principles laid out in the first certification.


In this level 2 we will go beyond the basics and really dive deeply into the kinetic sequence, impulse measurements, the 4-step process of correction etc. The plan for the in-person event would give ample time for our attendees to interact with the force plates, ask and answer questions, see how we would use them in a lesson, a really hands on focus. Level 2 will be split into three different main sections, the first will be more of the Biomechanics/Science/GRF of the golf swing, the second is the coaches focus, and the last part will be the physical training, injuries.

The seminar is free for Smart2move forceplate owners.

The seminar fee is €490/day included lunch and refreshments

€390 for PGA of Austria and CPG Members.

€290 for PGA of Austria Trainees. 

Registration will be confirmed after succesful payment, the invoice should be payed latest 4 weeks before the event. Cancellation fee within 28 days before the event 50%, within 7 days 75%.

Datum & Uhrzeit
Montag November 04, 2024
Start - 09:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Dienstag November 05, 2024
Ende - 17:00 (Europe/Vienna)

Austrian Golfmarketing GmbH

Fontana Allee 4
2522 Oberwaltersdorf

Austrian Golfmarketing GmbH

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